Pollinators, Biodiversity, and Healthy Ecosystems
Diadasia sp. bee in a prickly pear cactus flower. Bees in this group forage exclusively on a small number of native North American desert-dwelling plants. PHOTO CREDIT: Heather Broccard-Bell Happy Earth Day! To celebrate, I want to spend this post exploring the...
Press Release – NOD Apiary Products Ltd. Welcomes Hannah Neil as New Beekeeping Co-ordinator
Quinte West, Ontario – NOD Apiary Products Ltd. is pleased to announce the addition of Hannah Neil to the NOD team as Beekeeping Co-ordinator, effective immediately. Managing NOD’s apiaries, assisting with research, and teaching beekeeping classes, Hannah will...
The Physics and Chemistry of Formic Acid
Formic acid is the active ingredient in MAQS® and Formic Pro®. In this post, we are going to explore some of the properties of formic acid that, when combined with NOD’s slow-release technology, make it a great acaracide. From Ants to Birds to Bees: A...