Healthy Bees Healthy Planet Colouring Sheets
For years we’ve heard from beekeepers that the black and white graphics found on our Formicpro boxes make for great colouring projects. We also hear that colouring is a calming way to relieve stress. So our team created two printable colouring sheets inspired by...
Seasonal Beekeeping Checklists: Fall
Successfully overwintering your colonies can be a complicated task. From large commercial operations to backyard hives, beekeepers need to start preparing for winter months in advance. At NOD Headquarters in Ontario, autumn has arrived. This time of year is often our...
Seasonal Beekeeping Checklists: Spring and Summer
It’s finally that time of year again! Beekeepers across the Northern Hemisphere are stretching out their backs, shaking off the dust of winter, and getting ready for another season of hard and rewarding work with the bees. Whether it’s your first year or your...
Pollinators, Biodiversity, and Healthy Ecosystems
Diadasia sp. bee in a prickly pear cactus flower. Bees in this group forage exclusively on a small number of native North American desert-dwelling plants. PHOTO CREDIT: Heather Broccard-Bell Happy Earth Day! To celebrate, I want to spend this post exploring the...