Press Release – Formicpro® obtains Marketing Authorization in 23 European Regions

by | May 10, 2021 | Formic Pro, Press Release, Product Update

May 10, 2021 (Dublin, Ireland) — Beekeepers across Europe now have a new tool to combat the devastating Varroa destructor mite. NOD Apiary Ireland Ltd. is pleased to announce that the HPRA and 22 other European Regional Authorities have granted Marketing Authorization to NOD’s newest extended shelf-life Veterinary Medicine: Formicpro®.

Sustainable and Extended Shelf-Life

Formicpro features a 24-month shelf-life that doesn’t require temperature-controlled storage. These key advancements in bee protection technology provide distributors and beekeepers with an additional effective treatment for Varroosis that’s safer and easier to use.

Formicpro is an all-natural product manufactured in ready-to-use polysaccharide gel strips that are fully biodegradable. Its eco-paper wrap is designed to provide a slow release of the active ingredient: formic acid. During the 7-day treatment period Formicpro causes mortality to a significant number of mites under the brood cap, as well as adult mites on the bees, with an average efficacy of 83-97%.

Protecting Brood to Build Healthier Colonies

The development of Formicpro has been 20 years in the making. For more than two decades, NOD has helped protect millions of honey bee colonies worldwide with MAQS® Beehive Strips (Mite Away Quick Strips®). After receiving positive feedback following the launch of Formicpro in various other regions at the start of 2017, NOD began the process of compiling the European Dossier for submission. The registration covers 23 European regions, including 10 that have never before had access to NOD’s targeted under the cap technology. The global NOD team and its distribution partners are very excited to offer European beekeepers a safe and easy-to-use product with more lenient storage conditions and extended shelf-life.

Formicpro allows our beekeepers to more accurately control Varroa mites where they reproduce, while providing better inventory capability for our distributors.” said Kathleen Ireland, Director of Sales and Marketing, NOD Apiary Products Ltd. “The entire company strives to deliver the most effective and sustainable honey bee health products to beekeepers.”

Combatting the Honey Bee’s Biggest Threat

Left untreated, Varroa mites will transmit viruses that weaken a honey bee colony. Millions of colonies across Europe have died in recent years from this parasitic mite. David VanderDussen, CEO of the Canadian based company that developed and manufactures the product, stated that “Formicpro has been well received by beekeepers in the US, Canada and New Zealand over the last five years. We are very pleased to extend delivery to beekeepers in Europe to ensure access to our latest sustainable bee protection product.”

European Roll Out and Product Brand Name

Formicpro is the globally recognized product brand name for this new extended shelf-life product, however in certain regions it will be sold under the names: Formicprotect, MAQSplus vet, and MyrsyraNOD.

Formicpro will be launching in some areas as early as Summer 2021 and will be widely available in time for Spring 2022 treatment season through our Distribution Partners in Europe (see list below).

  • Ireland (IE):
    • Donegal Bees, Thomas Donegal Cashel, Glencolmcille Co, Don F94KP97, Ireland
    • Bee Supplies, Unit 67C Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin D18 X623, Ireland
  • Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Germany (DE), France (FR): Andermatt BioVet GmbH, Franz-Ehret-Str. 18, 79541 Lörrach, Germany
  • Spain (ES), Portugal (PT): Hifarmax Lda, Rua do Fojo, 136, Pavilhão B, Trajouce, 2775-615, São Domingos de Rana, Portugal
  • Croatia (HR), Slovenia (SI): Genera S.I, Cestna na Brdo, 100 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • United Kingdom (UK):
  • Bulgaria (BG): Vazrazdane-Kasis (VKasis) Ltd., Stara Planina Str. 59 Lovech 5500, Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic (CZ): Beedol, (Výzkumný ústav včelařský, s.r.o.), Dol 94, 252 66 Máslovice, Czechia
  • Greece (EL): AGROvet, 28th Giannitson Str, 546 27, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Hungary (HU): EURO-VET Green Island Ltd., Petőfi u. 24, 7500 Nagyatád, Hungary
  • Italy (IT):
    • Chemical Laif, Viale Dell’Artigianato, 13, 35010, Vigonza PD, Italy
    • HUVEPHARMA, Uitbreidingstraat 80, B-2600 Antwerp, Belgium
  • Netherlands (NL): Andermatt Nederland bv, Prins Mauritslaan 15, 3956 TZ Leersum, The Netherlands
  • Poland (PL): VET-ANIMAL sp. z o.o., ul. Lubichowska 126, 83-200 Starogard Gdański
  • Romania (RO): SC UNICUB GRUP SRL, Codrului. St. No 10, MagureleIlfov, 077125, Romania
  • Slovakia (SK): MEDE – Karol Mészáros, Malý Lég 167, 930 37 Legnice, Slovak republic
  • Denmark (DK), Norway (NO), Sweden (SE): Distributors will be announced at a later date.


About NOD Apiary Products

NOD Apiary Products Ltd. is a Canadian company formed in 1997 by beekeepers in Canada. Honey bee and animal health is our focus. The founders at NOD developed a practical, sustainable miticide for the beekeeping industry that uses formic acid as the active ingredient to control varroa, tracheal and tropilaelaps mites. When properly formulated, this organic miticide eliminates the risk of residues in the hive. Formicpro® and MAQS® Beehive Strips (Mite Away Quick Strips®) are registered in several countries across Europe, and in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand.

NOD Apiary Products was awarded the Ontario Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence, 2006, Innovation Project of the Year, 2008 and Agri Business of the Year, 2011. Our passion is honey bee health and young livestock wellness, and as such, we are dedicated to environmental stewardship. To find out more about NOD Apiary Products Ltd., please visit our About Us page.


Media Contact

NOD Apiary Products Ltd.
Kathleen Ireland, Director of Sales and Marketing

Tel: +1-613-398-8422 ext. 205


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