Why and when should I use Formic Pro?

Use Formic Pro as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program. There are two treatment options when local thresholds are met: 

Option One: 2 strips for 14 days. 

Option Two: 1st strip for 10 days remove and replace with 2nd strip for an additional 10 days. 

Timing: It is highly recommended to monitor phoretic mite levels monthly during periods of brood rearing and treat when local thresholds are reached. Treat during the colony population increase phase to protect the bees going into the honey flow. Treat during the colony decrease phase to protect the bees that will make up the winter cluster. In warmer climates, additional treatments may be necessary due to longer brood rearing time. Missed treatments can lead to excessive varroa loads and may require more than one treatment.


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January 12, 2023